Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tap your colleagues on the shoulder with Workflow feature!

You should really start making use of your MS CRM's Workflow feature to send your colleagues an automatic email! Do this each time you assign them an Account or Activity. After all they probably have several hundreds, so they probably won't notice an extra 3!

We'd love for you to share your ideas...what have you used Workflow for?


Anonymous said...

I like your workflow ... a lot. We use workflow in CRM in our services section. When we open a case, workflow is setup so that our clients receive an automated template with case information. It works for us!

JayThom said...

Excellent example of making practical use of the workflow Dakota! (Not to mention making good use of the CRM Email Templates). That would save you a great deal of time and effort in following up individual cases and ensuring you don't forget to send them an email. Well done!)